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Destiny Series

The Destiny Soul series follows a soul discovery through the path of the soul.

There is a perfect synergy of strengths and opportunities, lessons and challenges, passions and special talents that is at the core of your destiny. Our strengths and opportunities flow into energy states as power potential through our lifetime, in the form of Destiny Soul vibrations

The Destiny Soul Series workshops are designed to take people through a journey of developing and enhancing their intuitive abilities and utilizing their higher consciousness. They are also designed to take it to the next level.

Each Level is designed to make a lasting impact on the individual and they can use the skills long after the course is over. Through the Destiny Soul series, we can learn how to understand spiritual vibrations and how to create our own unique blueprint by changing anything we dislike. We can also learn how to become the master of our own existence. It is through the Soul Destiny journey that you can discover the subtle nature of your individual reality, your career, relationships, environment, and lifestyle. This is how it is being expressed.

You will gain insight into your own Soul Destiny vibration and discover deeper meaning in your life as well as connect with yourself on a deeper level.

Destiny Soul Cleansing

Cleansing your Energy  through this course:

  • Aura cleansing.
  • Heal your Soul.
  • Balance your Chakras
  • Understand things from a Metaphysical point of view.
  • Connect and Communicate with your Spirit guide
  • Manifest intentions
  • Telepathically connect and resolve issues.
  • Shift your Mindset.
  • 4th Dimensional Ascension

Destiny Soul Mapping.

Changing your Soul Map-looking beyond challenges.

  • Clearing what you created in your destiny.
  • Bridging the Chaos Gap.
  • Clearing Past Life patterns and Mapping the current
  • Mapping life on Timelines.
  • Integrating spiritual purpose.
  • How are universal laws applied in current life?
  • Energetic Map creation.

Destiny Soul Rewiring.

Rewire your Life.

  • Reach the highest ascension state.
  • Tune into deeper energetic frequencies.
  • Shift the Destiny labels and rewire a new soul life.
  • Final Ascension.
  • Rewiring the ancestral journey.
  • DNA reimprinting.

All the levels in the Destiny Soul Cleansing program include a recap of the previous day’s learnings, bonus classes and a Participation Certificate and are personally conducted by Tarannum.

How will the Destiny Soul Cleansing Program benefit you?

  • Going beyond 5 senses and being able to access a greater intelligence, empowering yourself to live in harmony
  • Balancing logical and creative brains
  • Getting answers from within and being able to resolve doubts, business issues, conflicts of intimate relationships
  • Using the power of telepathy to communicate with near and dear ones or to remove any obstacles from your path to success
  • Develop a relationship with a spirit guide to help you through challenges in your life plan
  • Discover your natural ability to read what other people are thinking or feeling which will make it easier for you to understand
  • why they behave in a certain manner
  • Assist friends and family during challenging times
  • Learn all the secrets of harnessing your own intuitive powers
